CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets

Policy research for a food secure present and future

The CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets leads action-oriented research to provide support for policies that help poor farmers, both men and women, improve their lives; produce nutritious and affordable foods; and protect the soil, water, and biodiversity in rural landscapes.

Sound policies, robust institutions, and well-functioning markets complement new discoveries of agricultural science to create dynamic and resilient food systems. The combination of strong agricultural science and good policy is especially important in poor rural areas, where many people depend on farming for their livelihoods. Agricultural growth creates new jobs both on and off farms as rural economies diversify. Consumers benefit from more affordable food. Landscapes recover as farmers, fishers, herders, and forest dwellers adopt better management regimes and develop new institutions for collaborative governance.

Many countries fall far short of the good policies and strong institutions needed. Our research helps diagnose problems and assess their priority, test potential options, and evaluate reforms or large scale programs. The work falls into the thematic categories of technological innovation, rural transformation, value chains, social protection, natural resource governance, and gender.

Where We Work

Global program with special emphasis on Africa south of the Sahara, South Asia, and selected countries in East Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and Latin America.

Impacts by 2022
  • Improved prioritization of agricultural research for development
  • Increased and more effective investment in agricultural research
  • Increased and more rapid adoption of improved technologies and management practices
  • Better functioning value chains, with increased opportunities for participation
  • A conducive environment for inclusive and sustainable growth
  • Reduction in price- and trade-related distortions that penalize producers and raise prices for consumers
  • Improved design and coverage of social protection programs
  • Increased security of rights to natural resources, particularly for women and members of marginalized groups
  • Better tools and methods for research on policy, institutions, and markets, and coordinated work on these topics across the CGIAR portfolio and among partners
  • Gender equity in rural development, and strategic coherence of CGIAR’s work on gender



  • Leaflet

    CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets leaflet

Annual reports

  • Annual Report

    CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets Annual Report 2021
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