Welcome to the CGIAR Financial Report dashboards. The dashboards are an interactive tool to help facilitate transparency and clarity of the financial results of the CGIAR Research Centers and Programs. We welcome feedback and enquiries from readers on the presentation of the information at dashboards@cgiar.org.

These dashboards have been developed based on the aggregation of the information reported in the externally audited Financial Statements of the CGIAR System Organization and the Centers that are Parties to CGIAR’s Integrated Partnership. Inter-Center revenue and expense activities were eliminated in the aggregation process to avoid double counting for purposes of these dashboards. The information contained herein is not intended to replace the audited financial statements of the separate legal entities and readers are encouraged to refer to those statements for additional information and disclosures.

The Financial Statements of the 15 CGIAR Research Centers and the CGIAR System Organization are prepared according to the accrual basis of accounting in compliance with IFRS or US GAAP, as appropriate. Hence, restricted grant revenues are only recognized to the extent that expenditures are reported and accounted for. In contrast to the CGIAR Trust Fund, as administered by the World Bank as Trustee, which reports funding based on cash receipts (inflow of cash). Funders may contribute to CGIAR either through the CGIAR Trust Fund (see CGIAR Trust Fund dashboards) or bilaterally (direct to Centers).



This dashboard shows a snapshot of the aggregated 2018 results, financial position and historical funding data from 2011 by source of funding.


Center Analysis

This dashboard shows Center revenues by source of funding and expenses by different category, region and CGIAR Research Programs/Platforms. It also shows Center results and financial indicators.


Program Analysis

This dashboard shows a summary of CGIAR Research Program and Platform expenditure by source of funding as implemented by each Participating Center. It also shows the cash position of each CGIAR Research Program and Platform at end of year.


Funder Analysis

This dashboard shows a summary of funding by Funder and by funding channel. It also shows the allocation to Centers and to CGIAR Research Programs and Platforms.
